Sunday, April 6, 2014

Blog Post #5  I spent time looking through the Anterotesis site and was impressed by the range of projects. One that particularly piqued my interest was the linguistic atlas project, which maps English dialects across the United States. I would certainly consider using this the next time I teach Intro to Linguistics. The site contains audio files of speakers from around the US, illustrating all the regional dialects in the country. However, I don't really get how this site qualifies as much of a digital mapping project. While there is a map of the US, it does not seem interactive. The audio files are a valuable resource, but are just on the site as a listing, so I don't find it to have a particularly interesting user interface. Here is the link:


  1. oops, the link is not .org, but .edu

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

    1. (whoops) Those audio files sounds like such a neat find for a linguistics class. I remember taking Linguistics in college, and that would have been great to listen to.
